Friday, 17 June 2011

The Handmade Pledge...

The other day I came across The Handmade Pledge and took the plunge and made the pledge. I often do give handmade presents  but perhaps not consciously. I have given one present since I made the pledge, a lavender bag made by Sam Stas who lives in Lewes and makes all sorts of nostalgic and witty household items and accessories. She is incredibly chic and smiley and brightens my day when I bump into her in town. Here it is:

It's lovely isn't it? You can have one too. Sam sells them at Not On The High Street.

This has got me thinking. I have decided to make another pledge. I am going to make ALL my Christmas presents (sorry, dear family and friends). I will share with you the trials and tribulations along the way, along with the inspiration and patterns that I find. I am very lucky because I live near my dear friend Diana (who often helps out at Make Believe Café), we were at college together and spent most of our time there making our own clothes or butchering perfectly good clothes and shoes to great, and not so great effect. She has agreed to join me in my quest. Watch this space!

Emma x

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