Jumpers, frost and school again. So I went to The Buttercup Cafe to work. I was gorgeously thwarted. The candles were lit, someone had thrown crocheted blankets across the wooden benches and added to the pile of magazines in the corner. And, oh joy, Clare had left knitting out on each table. “It's communal knitting", she said. "Anyone can pick it up. It's particularly comforting for any one sitting alone".
I spent an hour nursing verbena tea and carrot cake and promising my self 'only one more line'. There are worse addictions.
It’s like being in a friend’s kitchen - a busy, generous friend, distracted and warm, chaotic and loving; a friend with a huge family who will always make space for one more cold body, make one more cup of tea.
Sometimes your eyes smart with chopped onions, steam, toast and reducing vinegar.
There are notices pinned to the fridge. On the top, someone has put pots of crayons, a colouring book, a spice rack, kitchen scales and a dried hydrangea.
Produce is stashed under the benches and popped into the open green, wooden shelves - a happy, unselfconscious arrangement of chick peas, mustard, red napkins, vintage tea cups, pepper, cookery books, jars of cinnamon, and an old metal butter dish with an orange plastic lid that I want to pinch. Stuffed into a big heart on the wall are post cards from traveling friends, I can imagine them missing it here when they're far from home.
And tea is served in a pot. What a pleasure.
The lovely Buttercup Cafe is on Facebook.
So are we.
Go on. Log on.
Lou x
The Buttercup Cafe 15 Malling Street, Lewes, BN7 2RA.
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